On August 1st, Motorola announced its new flagship smartphone, the Moto X. It comes with Android 4.2.2 and they say will be updated to 4.3 'soon'. It has three main new features, always on, which means the phone will be always listening for a keyword 'ok google now'. When it hears this keyword it will wake up and you can ask any question you'd like, just like you would right now with Google Now.

Next, Active notifications. Since the screen is AMOLED Motorola has the ability to turn on only a small portion of the screen. This allows them to pulse a part of the screen when you pick it up which displays the time and any missed notifications.

Lastly, the camera. With a quick two turn gesture, you can launch the camera app and take a picture, and Motorola says you can do this in under 2 seconds. This gesture can be made even while the phone is locked.

Motorola says that the phone will launch in the US on all 5 major carriers for $199 on contract. It will also launch in Canada with Rogers. At the beginning, only AT&T will have the ability to access Moto maker, which is a website that will allow you to customize the phone with 17 different colours for the back (wood finish coming in Q4). Also, 6 different accent colours for the ring around the camera and the power and volume buttons.


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